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Tire 101 from General Tire
Tires. They’re black, they’re round, and you probably don’t think too much about them until you’re stranded on the side of the road. We have a love/hate relationship with them. When you experience that quiet, comfortable ride down the road, we love them…

What Tires are Right for My Ride?
Finding the right tires for your vehicle can be a challenging proposition. Choose wrong and the performance of your vehicle may be severely compromised. We’re here to help you understand how to make the right decision…

Tires Are Like Shoes, They Need To Be Broken In!
Did you know that just like a new pair of shoes, your tires need to be broken in? It’s true. Your tires are comprised of many layers of rubber, steel and fabric. Because of these different components, new tires require a break-in period to ensure maximum performance and ride quality.

Is It Ok To Mix Tires?
To Mix Tires, Or Not To Mix Tires? That Is The Question. When it’s time to replace the tires on your vehicle many questions arise. Should I buy four or two tires? Can I mix brands? What type of tire should I choose? We know these are complicated waters to navigate…